project blog
[E] exhibition, [L] lecture, [P] press article / publication
13.07.2003 Arrival in Ljubljana, meeting Jana.
14.07.2003 Strolling through the city of Ljubljana I notice all these modular K67 units with their rounded edges. They seem to be a common element in the urban space. I decided only to take pictures of the city where I find one of these K67 units.
15.07.2003 I remember that there is a fastfood K67 unit behind central station in Dresden / East Germany. I think of making a series of K67 photographs in different countries.
24.07.2003 In Maribor (SLO) we encounter quite a lot of K67 copies dressed in “West” design. But there are also original K67s to be found.
01.08.2003 Realising that K67 was a successful east european product I send emails to friends which are living in former east block countries. I ask them to look for K67 in their cities.
06.08.2003 I send an email to the Ljubljana University where designer Sasa Maechtig is professor now. I hope to contact Mr. Maechtig in order to get more information about his design.
08.08.2003 Tahl Kaminer told me that he saw a K-67 in this “mutations” book although it looks more like made of concrete (“Mutations”, p. 344-348, “Use Network” Pristina, Stefano Boeri).
12.08.2003 Jana tells me the name of a Swedish artist called Magnus Bartas, who also investigated on the K67 units. Searching the Internet I found information about his project “satellites”. He took also photographs from different K67 on different places in six countries, mostly Ex-Yugoslavia. He sees the “Satellites”, in retrospective, as omens of political and economical changes. Cutting out the units and presenting them in front of a black neutral background he brings them to a more abstract level. Taking away any urban context they appear like objects from outer space, like “satellites”. – For a moment I thought “my” project is already done by somebody else. But in contradistinction to the Bartas-Project I want to show these kiosk in their urban surrounding, want to prove that the same system is valuable in different places, want to show the eastern European places through these K67 units. My goal is it to make this project really a “movement” using the simultaneous technology of the internet. I will try to make people enthusiastic about the K67 as it is an inhabitant of their environment. Creating consciousness that this K67 tells a lot about common history and identity.
14.08.2003 Start making the K67 website.
15.08.2003 Doing some research on the COMECON and the east european economical system.
17.08.2003 A friend writes from Bejing. He hasn´t seen K67s in China until now. But he send a really nice photo of a typical Chinese kiosk.
19.08.2003 A friend from Dresden tells us that quite some K-67-booths in Germany suffered from vandalism.
27.08.2003 Sasa Maechtig answers my email and sends me some nice photographs of the K67. The K67 unit had appearently such a big success that has even reached countries like New Zealand and Japan. Marjetica Potrc, a slovenian artist, will use K67 units for their upcoming exhibition in the Museum of Modern Art of Ljubljana.
27.08.2003 A friend tells me about two exihibitions in East Germany, one about eastern fastfood stands in (Domäne Dahlem / Berlin, „Imbissbuden – Essen ohne Grenzen“) , the other about GDR busstops (Verkehrsmuseum Dresden “Magic Bus”)
27.08.2003 Test launch of the website.
02.09.2003 Official launch of the K67 website.
03.09.2003 The spanish web directory adds the K67-project to the catogory “architecture”
20.09.2003 New entries from Minsk (Belarussia)
26.09.2003 New entry from Wrozlaw (Poland)
02.10.2003 Approximately 350 site visits in one month
21.01.2004 [P] The Italian section of the Architects Council of Europe (ACE/CAE) reports about “K67 – The Kiosk Shots” in their newsletter
24.10.2003 New entries from Ljubljana (Slovenia)
29.10.2003 Opening of the exhibition “Next Stop, Kiosk” from the slovenian artist Marjetica Potrc, Moderna galerija / Museum of Modern Art Ljubljana, 29 October – 30 November 2003
30.10.2003 New entries from Ðurdevac and Zagreb (Croatia)
21.01.2004 The project is mentioned on the EASA website (The European Architecture Student Assembly).
21.01.2004 [P] Ilka and Andreas Ruby write an essay for the SIXPACK exhibition (young slovenian architects), in which they talk also about the significance of K67 for Slovenia and in which they refer to “K67 – The Kiosk Shots”.
29.05.2004 [L] Magnus Bartas and the Biennial of Visual Arts of Pancevo (near Belgrade) invite me for a lecture about “K67 – The Kiosk Shots”.
16.06.2004 New entries from Warsaw (Poland)
09.07.2004 [E] The Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAI) seems to be interested in showing the K67-project within the upcoming exhibition “Collage Europa” in October.
04.09.2004 – 16.10.2004 The project is represented in the exhibition “Collecting the City” at the 66 East Centre for Urban Culture in Amsterdam. The exhibition analizes the method of collecting in order to address and understand urban phenonema.
23.10.2004 – 02.01.2005 The project is represented in the exhibition “Collage Europa” at the Dutch Architecture Institute NAI, along with an original K67. Sasa Mächtig is attending an expert discussion.
01.11.2004 [L] Vortrag an der Architekturfakultät der TU-Berlin
2005 [P] In an interview in Trend magazin Sasa Mächtig is mentioning the project.
January 2006 [P] Helena Sustar refers to the project in her article in Kontrast magazin.
February/ March 2006 [P] Article in DAM, a design, architecture and art magazin.
March 2018 New remake of the website goes online.
August 2021 The remake website crashes due to hackers attack.
In the meantime, during four long years, enthusiast people continue sending in new K67 photographs and stories. Wow!
06.11.2024 [P] Photo essay on (in Dutch).
January 2025 Complete relaunch of the website. Back to the roots from 2003, back to the inital idea and design.
(written and recorded by Helge Kühnel)